Sexual Harassment

Queensland Introduces Stronger Anti-Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Laws

In September 2024, the Parliament of Queensland passed legislation that substantially expands obligations on employers to identify, eliminate and prevent unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment, and other objectionable conduct from occurring in their workplaces.

Annual Employment Law Wrap Up: The year that was and the changes still to come  

As the year comes to a close, and businesses start to get ready for the end of the year shut down period, it is an opportune time for businesses to reflect on the changes which have been made in the employment law space during 2023 and the commensurate changes these have necessitated in business practice and policy. However, businesses should ensure that they also do not lose track of the changes which will be implemented before the holiday shut down period. As such, this article serves both as a reminder of the amendments which have come into effect this year as well as those which will come into effect in the upcoming weeks.

Get Your House In Order: AHRC Releases Guidelines for Employer “Positive Duty” to Eliminate Sexual Harassment

Whilst the Positive Duty came into effect in December 2022, there has been limited practical guidance on how the employers’ Positive Duty could be fulfilled until the AHRC published its ‘Guidelines for Complying with the Positive Duty under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth)’ (“Guidelines”) in August 2023.The Guidelines set out practical steps and provide organisations and businesses with examples and guidance regarding the steps required to discharge their Positive Duty.

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